Message from Chief of Headquarters
Yokohama National University established the Diversity Strategy Promotion Headquarters in April 2020 under the YNU Diversity Promotion Declaration issued in July 2019. I also appointed the Vice President for Diversity based on an idea that diversity and inclusion are integrally connected to the dynamism of higher education institutions in competitive and excellent research and education for the next generation.
We have outstanding achievement in the policies to support international students and female academics. However, we are currently striving to realize a more diverse campus community where all YNU family members have equal opportunities. Our spirit of diversity and inclusion is reflected in support and enlightenment programs to eradicate discrimination based on gender, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, culture, religion, disability, sexual orientation and the like. When emphasizing diverse values and attributes, unconscious bias must be eliminated, and the human rights of all students and faculty members should be respected. No matter what background they have, they should enjoy the environment to learn, work, and devoted themselves to self-fulfilment with peace of mind. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in creating a diverse campus community.
President Izuru UMEHARA
Message from Director
Appreciating diversity is not just about preferentially treating women, people with other nationalities, or those with disabilities. We believe that by appreciating diversity, we can get to know different values, can be stimulated, and can broaden our worldviews. Yokohama National University(YNU)is advancing from the stage of recognizing diverse values to the next stage of actively incorporating them into its institutional culture. It aims to create an educational and research environment that welcomes diversity and respects inclusiveness.
Vice-President(Diversity) Mayuko IZUMI